Continue with an open mind . . .

Thursday, January 2, 2014

As I Lay Awake . . . {12/365}

As I lay here; my boy snoring softly beside me, I think about the upcoming week. 
The week of new beginnings. 
Fresh starts. 
The week I get yet more test results back. 

It's scary. 
I'm prepared for it this time though. 
Prepared for the ugly word. 
Prepared for the overwhelming feelings. 

What a lie. 
Can one ever really be prepared for such a thing?

I'm not. 
Not really. 

I won't be as absolutely frozen as the last time. 
But in no way am I prepared to hear that more of this ugly disease has invaded my otherwise healthy body. 

I have too many things to accomplish. 

Thanks to the last 6 months I've adopted a "wait for nothing" mentality. 

I have always wanted to attend university. 

I did the college route. 
Wasn't the same. 
It didn't give the same satisfaction. 
Although it was time well spent. 

I've always wanted to drive. 
To own a house. 
A new car. 

Just to name a few of the bucket list items. 

Monday begins the first day of my university journey; primary education. 
Only those who know me best would know that this isn't something I pulled from thin air. 

8 days from now I start driving school. 

Tuesday I head back to work full time. 
That house will be ours. 
Merry Christmas 2014 to us. 

2014 will be a year of big things. 
Great things.

It will be our year. 
The year we grab life by the horns and start living. 

Because if this journey is teaching me anything; it's that life is precious. 
Time is precious.

It is something I will never waste again. 

On waiting for the 'right time'; there will never be a better time then now. 

On waiting for someone to care; to show any more interest in your life other then what they can get from me.  
I'm through waiting. 
I'm through being used. 
I'm through making someone else a priority in my life when I will never be one in theirs. 

Want my help?
Want a favor?
Then be prepared to be involved. 
In my life.
Don't like those terms?
Ask someone else. 
I surely don't mind. 
It's your loss; not mine. 
Just remember when I say no; it's because of you - not me. 

I will focus my attention on those I love; those who matter and make me feel as I too matter. 

I will focus on us. 
On living out our dreams. 
Making sure each and every one becomes reality. 

I will focus on him. 
Of making sure he knows that I'll always be here. 
That unlike everyone else; I will never become too busy. 
Too caught up in frivolous things that he feels like a burden. 

I will focus on enjoying life more then the pay check. 
There will always be an opportunity to make money, to save money, but there won't always be a chance to live. 
To enjoy each other the way we can today. 
To live today. 
As tomorrow comes; today is lost to us forever. 
I want to exchange today for something great. 
Memories with him, family and friends. 
Moments to be cherished. 

So as I lay here listening to him sleep, I plan. 
For tomorrow, next week, this month and the eleven that will follow. 

Call me over achiever. 
Call me crazy. 
But I'll look back on my life with a smile on my face and no regrets; will you? 

"Live to win; dare to fail"


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