Bigger; better.
Today's mentality.
No one is ever happy with what they have anymore.
What happened to the anticipation of saving for something and the joy of the purchase when those pennies finally add up?
The saying "I work to live, not live to work" has taken on a whole new meaning.
Most, literally, work to buy things. Constantly.
Because purchasing a new flat screen in a 32 inch is unheard of.
Now it's getting that 32 so you can move to a 40; then to a 50 and so on.
Gone is the enjoyment of simply having that flat screen.
How about a new car?
Has to be new.
Then when you get that brand new car; it's on to a second car. Which also has to be new.
Let's not forget the things that don't even make sense for you to have.
But hey; Billy Bob & Joe have them so there must be a need.
No wonder the economy is the disaster it is.
Then we have those who are always worse off then you.
If you have a headache, they have a migraine.
You're stressed about work?
Jesus they have the same problem 'like everyday!'.
Bogged down with a family illness?
Consider yourself lucky they haven't died.
There's no empathy OR sympathy in this world anymore.
Just people who are so bitter they tend to want to drag others down as well.
North America is currently under a pandemic.
I refer to it as the "Poor Me's"
Those effected will always have to be better then you or completely worse off.
I hate being around these people.
It brings out the absolute worst in me because I simply don't want to have a conversation.
Knowing how it will progress, where it will lead and how it will end - ugly and depressing.
Therefore leaving me to be seen as antisocial.
Which totally isn't the case at all.
I'm a pretty laid back person who hates drama in my life and does not react well when forced to be immersed in it.
I tend to not have a lot of acquaintances because let's face it - most girls are drama queens.
Always whining and complaining about something or other.
You're alive and able to make any decision or choice you can possible dream of - for frig sake just do it.
If you're unhappy - CHANGE!
I can't do it for you.
Nor would I even if I could.
It's your life.
If you want to waste it being a terrible person who whines and complains about stupid little details while others can only dream of having what you do then fine.
As I said; it's your life.
Just don't expect me to be a part of it.
Who can honestly sit and listen to sobs stories from someone who bitched about the very thing they're now crying over?
Save it.
Instead be grateful for the things you have while you have them.
You may think you have it so much worse then everyone, but trust me honey - there are a lot of folks out there that honestly have it worse then you and can still wake up every morning and smile.
That family member that is suffering an illness?
Enjoy them.
Every second.
For those seconds are ticking on by and you will miss it when they're gone.
But the thing is; you're the one who will have to live with the fact you didn't enjoy it.
Instead you probably bitched about how inconvenient it was having to deal with what they're going through.
I slept on the floor, next to a mother who was in her 30's battling breast cancer.
Going through surgeries, chemo and radiation.
Crying myself to sleep because I didn't know from one day to the next if she would be there.
I skipped a lot of high school classes those two years.
I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I never once complained about having to take on the household.
Never once complained about having to sleep on the floor.
Changing bandages or cleaning vomit - when normally the sight of either one would have my head in the toilet.
No because it wasn't my illness to beat.
She was the one going through it.
The school caught wind and offered me extra time for things.
I passed on it.
I didn't want to gain anything from her being sick.
It was my choice to stay home.
It was my choice to sit and talk or simply just be there as she slept.
Then it hit again.
Several years later.
Different kind of cancer; but back all the same.
Then a few weeks in; my dad collapses.
Meanwhile I'm in school full time and have a million things going on as it was.
Try living on a shoe string budget.
Not having the time to go back to work so living on student loans.
Listening to heart wrenching sobs on the phone and the fight starts to become too much for her to bare this time.
Trying to keep it together while you assure her, she's the strongest person you have ever known.
That she can very well beat this thing again and she would.
Hanging up the phone to cry myself.
Not knowing if what I was saying was true or not.
I still didn't complain.
Yea it was hard being an only child dealing with two ill parents and full time studies.
But they're my parents.
Why would I complain about them being a stress on me or an inconvenience?
These are the people that would surely do anything in the world for me.
I want them well.
Whatever necessary, it just gets done.
So when I hear others, complain about family members it makes my blood turn cold.
There is an instant dislike and zero respect.
Cherish what you have, while you have it.
Loved ones, money, material things - none of it lasts forever.
Choose what's most important to you and choose wisely for you may not get the chance to change your mind.
It's totally ok to be content with your life.
You don't NEED bigger or better, you just simply make the choice.
And remember - just because someone isn't caught up in the rat race you call life doesn't mean they have nothing.
It could simply mean they have everything they need to be happy.
Some people don't need the 60 inch tv, the second car, a house that's two sizes two big and all the latest and greatest gadgets.
Some people are happiest with the things money can't buy.
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
- EE Cummings